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Saturday, November 1, 2014


By Sister Glenda Bourgeois, O.S.U.

             Fall has always been pie season for me.  I think of the favorites, apple pie, pumpkin pie, pecan pie and even cherry pie.  As we gather round the table in a spirit of hospitality we share the pie that is scored in equal pieces.  Each one is able to savor a piece of the pie.
I am also reminded of another reality as I think of pie eating.  A pie represents a whole.  It is the sum of the parts or pieces that make it up.  The other reality that comes to mind as I think of a pie is another whole of which we are all a part.  We share our beautiful earth home and its seemingly infinite resources.  We live at peace when in a spirit of hospitality we can all have a piece of this pie: however, we all know that in too many instances today our earth home and its resources are cut very unequally.  Some have more than they need and leaving others with little or nothing.  Clare House is very aware of this sad situation and tries to be a peacemaker and equalize the situation by ongoing service at the Loaves and Fishes kitchen and the food pantry.  It is because of the generous donations that you continue to make, everyone who comes can enjoy “a piece of the Pie.”  at the beginning of yet another annual food drive we are certain that we can count on you to provide hospitality to all who come to our table.

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