By Sister Glenda Bourgeois, O.S.U.
Networking for social change captures headlines today,
whether it is the Arab Spring, the Occupy Movement, the cause of Violence
against Women or the Green Movement to
mention but a few. In this moment of human evolution there is a surge to bring
about desired and necessary change by awakening and activating the public.
Communities are forming around urgent social issues.
It is in this light that the history of The Catholic Worker
Movement has found and continues to find its purpose and meaning. Dorothy Day
saw desperate human need. She saw the indignity of persons who were jobless,
hungry and homeless and she did what she could to give them dignity. In a short
time she was joined by others whose social conscience activated them to align
with her to bring about a more just society.
As we know Catholic Worker communities
proliferated throughout the States and the world.
Here in Bloomington, Clare House, through the initiative of
Tina Sipula, provides the opportunity and the organization for city wide networking
to feed the hungry. Countless groups and many individuals are dedicated members
of this Catholic Worker community as are those brothers and sisters who are
served at Loaves and Fishes and those who stand in line to receive some life
necessities. Clare House is the focus of extraordinary community here in
Bloomington. It is a community that is inclusive and welcoming. The network of
those giving and those receiving is the source of nourishment for everyone. I
am so grateful to be included in this community.
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