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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Clare House Top 10 Random Thoughts

Jennifer Poncin

1.      Working in the stairwell during handout is sometimes powerful; hearing small children fussing or crying outside causes one to pray extra hard for them.
2.      There are women who come every week and hand-write thank-you cards to everyone who donates to Clare House. That’s pretty awesome.
3.      You meet the nicest people when you work, and you meet new people whenever you come at a different time.
4.      It’s never too late in your life to learn Spanish.
5.      If you give away the soy milk, you’ll be in serious trouble!!!  ;)
6.      It’s also never too early to teach your children to give to others.
7.      We go through a lot of diapers, and we always seem to be out of a certain size at any given time.
8.      The Little Library is adorable, and could use some children’s books in Spanish.
9.      You can talk about Clare House on Facebook and your friends start coming out of the woodwork to give you food and diapers to take there.
10.   You will never work anyplace that does more for others than what we do, and I’m so proud to be a part of our group.

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